Yesterday was an awesome day, i finally passed that dreadful history exam (Sio too)!! (^∇^)/
In the afternoon we had a little meet-up with a friend, Barbara, who just moved to Bologna.
It was very nice to meet with her, also she introduced us to a new pâtisserie, where they sell macaroons! (**)
Map here!
Next is a big news: this weekend i'll be off to NiMi festival!
There's going be a tea party with Misako Aoki and all the girls from GLZone <3
Also AP&Putumayo will be present with their own stand. I'm so excited, yay~ ( ≧▽≦)
Btw i just finished trying on my outfits for the event!
Now it's relax time...
Graphic for this blog is still not finished, but i've got some ideas for it ^^
3 commenti:
che belli i macaron *_* si vede che vi siete divertite!!
non vedo l'ora che sia il Nimi <3!
che eleganzaaaa~<3
oh oh oh *tipica risata di signora anzianotta*
Mmmmmm sembrano buoni *__*
Omedetouuuu omedetou dakara owatta??? Sotsugyo wa itsu?? brave brave però io mi sento sempre più una cacca !XD che palle studiare DDD:
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